Moyenne Island: The World’s Smallest National Park

Moyenne Island, located in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Mahé, is a small island measuring only 0.1 square kilometers. Despite its size, this tiny island holds an incredible title – it is known as the world’s smallest national park.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at Moyenne Island and discover why it is such a unique and special place to visit.


History of Moyenne Island

Moyenne Island has a fascinating history that dates back centuries. Originally uninhabited, the island was explored by French navigator Lazare Picault in 1742. It was later used as a base for pirates in the 18th century, and then became a coconut plantation in the 19th century.

In the early 20th century, British settler Brendon Grimshaw purchased Moyenne Island for just £8,000. He dedicated his life to restoring the island’s natural ecosystem, which had been greatly damaged by previous human activity. Today, Moyenne Island is home to over 100 species of plants, birds, and animals.

Moyenne Island

Exploring the Island

One of the most unique aspects of Moyenne Island is its size. Measuring just 0.1 square kilometers, it can easily be explored on foot in a matter of hours. Visitors can take a guided tour with Brendon Grimshaw himself, who at 88 years old still lives on the island and shares his wealth of knowledge about its history and wildlife.

As you wander through the lush tropical vegetation, you may spot giant tortoises roaming freely, a species that Grimshaw introduced to the island. You can also visit the small museum on the island, which showcases artifacts from Moyenne’s past and gives insight into Grimshaw’s incredible conservation efforts.


The World’s Smallest National Park

In 2008, Moyenne Island, located in Seychelles, was officially declared a national park by the government. This significant designation ensures that the island, known for its pristine natural beauty, will be safeguarded from any form of development or commercial activities, preserving its enchanting allure for generations to come.

What makes Moyenne Island even more exceptional is its distinction as the world’s smallest national park and the only privately owned one. This remarkable feat is a testament to the unwavering dedication and hard work of its steward, Mr. Brendon Grimshaw. Through his tireless efforts, he has not only created a conservation haven but also established a unique and sustainable model for preserving our natural heritage.

Moyenne Island stands as a shining example of how individuals, with passion and determination, can make a lasting impact on our environment. By cherishing and protecting this hidden gem, we can inspire others to embrace a sense of responsibility towards our planet and ensure its ecological treasures endure for future generations to admire and enjoy.

National Park

Conservation Efforts

Moyenne Island serves as an inspiring example of how individual actions can make a big impact on the environment. Grimshaw’s efforts to restore the island’s ecosystem have resulted in a thriving biodiversity, with over 100 species of plants and animals living on the island.

In addition to preserving the natural environment, Grimshaw has also implemented sustainable practices such as rainwater harvesting and solar energy. He has also banned plastic on the island, making it an eco-friendly destination for visitors.


Planning Your Visit

If you’re feeling inspired to visit Moyenne Island after learning about its fascinating history and admirable conservation efforts, there are a few important things to keep in mind. The island, located in the Seychelles, can be reached by boat from Mahé, the largest island in the archipelago. To embark on this remarkable journey, you can arrange tours through local tour companies or directly with Grimshaw, the organization responsible for overseeing the island’s preservation.

As you set foot on this enchanting island, it’s crucial to respect and protect its fragile ecosystem. Moyenne Island is home to a diverse range of plant and animal species, many of which are endemic to the Seychelles. To ensure the continued well-being of these precious inhabitants, visitors are kindly asked to adhere to the island’s rules and regulations. By treading lightly and being mindful of your actions, you can contribute to the preservation of this natural paradise for future generations to enjoy.


Is Bigger Always Better?

As we embark on our exploration of Moyenne Island, it becomes abundantly clear that sometimes, when it comes to islands, size isn’t everything. This picturesque gem may be diminutive in size, but its significance and value transcend its compact dimensions. Serving as a revered national park and an awe-inspiring conservation success story, Moyenne Island captures the essence of environmental protection and showcases the immense impact that can be achieved through dedicated preservation efforts.

Moyenne Island stands as an enduring testament to the notion that even the most inconspicuous actions possess the potential to generate profound reverberations. Whether it’s the unwavering commitment of a solitary individual in safeguarding the island’s delicate ecosystem or our collective daily choices to minimize our ecological footprint, each and every one of us possesses the extraordinary power to effectuate positive change. Let us draw inspiration from Moyenne Island’s remarkable tale and endeavor to contribute to the preservation and enhancement of our natural world.



Moyenne Island may be the world’s smallest national park, but it is certainly not lacking in significance. Its rich history, diverse wildlife, and inspiring conservation efforts make it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in sustainable travel and protecting our planet’s natural treasures. So next time you’re planning a trip to Seychelles, make sure to add Moyenne Island to your itinerary and experience its beauty and charm for yourself.

Moyenne Island