Discovering Pongas Falls of Mountain Province

Pongas Falls, a serene haven in Mountain Province, boasts a rich geological past. Tucked amid vibrant flora and wildlife, the falls offer tranquility and adventure. Embrace nature responsibly, following guidelines for an unforgettable visit.

In this blog, we will take an in-depth look at the geological formation of Pongas Falls, its location and accessibility, the diverse flora and fauna surrounding it, and some exciting activities you can enjoy while visiting.

Discovering Pongas Falls of Mountain Province

Pongas Falls: A Hidden Gem

Pongas Falls stands as a pristine testament to natural beauty, a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. This remote cascade, with its crystalline waters gracefully traversing the rugged terrain, offers a tranquil escape from the bustling world.

Pongas Falls not only showcases its remarkable geological history but also enchants visitors with its lush surrounding flora and vibrant fauna, making it a nature enthusiast’s paradise. It’s a place where one can embrace the serene ambiance and embark on an adventure, all while respecting the guidelines set to preserve its untouched allure, ensuring every visit is a truly unforgettable experience.

Pongas Falls: A Hidden Gem

Geological Formation of Pongas Falls

Pongas Falls is not only a sight to behold but also a geological wonder that has taken millions of years to shape. The formation of Pongas Falls tells a captivating story of nature’s artistry and the passage of time.

Geological Formation of Pongas Falls
Geological Formation of Pongas Falls


The Origins of Pongas Falls

Pongas Falls owes its existence to the remarkable geological processes that have shaped the landscape of Mountain Province over millions of years. This picturesque waterfall is formed by the convergence of several natural elements, creating a spectacle that leaves visitors in awe.

Tectonic Activity

The region’s geological history dates back to the time when tectonic plates collided, leading to the formation of the Cordillera Mountain Range. This ongoing tectonic activity has resulted in the creation of deep valleys, steep cliffs, and cascading rivers like the one that forms Pongas Falls. The force of plate movements has carved out the path through which the waterfall now plunges, leaving behind an impressive display of nature’s power.

Erosion and Weathering

Over time, the relentless forces of erosion and weathering have played a significant role in shaping the geological features surrounding Pongas Falls. The rushing waters of the falls have eroded the rocks and sediments, gradually widening the channel and sculpting the rocky landscape. The interplay of water, wind, and temperature fluctuations has also contributed to the distinct appearance of the walls surrounding the waterfall, adding to its unique charm.

Geological Composition

The geological composition of the area further enhances the beauty of Pongas Falls. The rocks, predominantly composed of sedimentary formations, showcase layers of various materials such as sandstone, limestone, and shale. These distinct layers, formed over millions of years, provide a fascinating glimpse into the Earth’s history and the geological processes that have shaped the landscape.

Geological Formation of Pongas Falls

Location and Accessibility

To get to Pongas Falls from Sagada town, visitors can take a tricycle or jeepney to the village of Bangaan. From Bangaan, it is a 30- to 45-minute hike to the falls. The trail is well-maintained but can be slippery during the rainy season. Visitors are advised to wear comfortable shoes and to bring water and snacks.

Once you arrive at Pongas Falls, you will be greeted by a breathtaking sight. The falls are surrounded by lush greenery and towering mountains. The water cascades down three tiers into a natural pool at the bottom. The pool is deep enough for swimming, but visitors should be careful as the currents can be strong.

Pongas Falls is a popular spot for swimming, picnicking, and taking photos. Visitors can also go cliff jumping from the top tier of the falls. However, it is important to be careful and to only jump if you are a strong swimmer.

Here is a more detailed guide on how to get to Pongas Falls from different locations:

From Manila: Take a bus or van to Baguio City. From Baguio City, take a bus or jeepney to Sagada town. From Sagada town, take a tricycle or jeepney to the village of Bangaan. From Bangaan, it is a 30- to 45-minute hike to the falls.

From Baguio City: Take a bus or jeepney to Sagada town. From Sagada town, take a tricycle or jeepney to the village of Bangaan. From Bangaan, it is a 30- to 45-minute hike to the falls.

From Banaue: Take a bus or jeepney to Sagada town. From Sagada town, take a tricycle or jeepney to the village of Bangaan. From Bangaan, it is a 30- to 45-minute hike to the falls.

Location and Accessibility

Flora and Fauna Surrounding the Falls

Pongas Falls isn’t just a treat for the eyes with its captivating waterfalls and geological wonders; it also hosts a vibrant ecosystem teeming with diverse flora and fauna. Exploring the rich biodiversity surrounding the falls adds a deeper layer to the enchantment of this natural gem.


The flora surrounding the Pongas Falls is a tapestry of lush greenery, forming a picturesque backdrop to the majestic waterfalls. Here, you can find an array of plant species, each contributing to the overall ecological balance of the region.

Towering trees such as dipterocarps, oak, and pine dominate the landscape, providing shade and habitat for a variety of flora and fauna. The forest floor is adorned with vibrant ferns, wildflowers, mosses, and delicate orchids, adding bursts of color to the verdant surroundings.


Philippine pitcher plant (Nepenthes alata)- This carnivorous plant is found in the tropical rainforests of the Philippines. It has pitcher-shaped leaves that trap and digest insects.

Sagada rhododendron (Rhododendron sagadaensis)- This flowering plant is endemic to the Mountain Province. It has bright red flowers that bloom in the spring.

Ferns– There are many different species of ferns found in the area surrounding Pongas Falls. Some of the most common species include the bracken fern, the maidenhair fern, and the bird’s nest fern.

Orchids– There are also a number of different species of orchids found in the area surrounding Pongas Falls. Orchids are flowering plants that are known for their beautiful and exotic blooms.

Mosses– Mosses are non-vascular plants that are found in damp and shady environments. There are many different species of mosses found in the area surrounding Pongas Falls.

Flora and Fauna Surrounding the Falls


As we explore the Pongas Falls, we encounter a diverse range of wildlife that coexists harmoniously with the surrounding flora. The dense forests house numerous bird species, making it a haven for birdwatchers. The waters of the falls are inhabited by various fish species, including the native gobies and carp, creating a dynamic aquatic ecosystem.


Philippine eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi):- is the national bird of the Philippines and one of the largest and most powerful eagles in the world. It is an endangered species and can be found in the rainforests of the Philippines.

Cloud rat (Crateromys)– This is a genus of rodents that is endemic to the Philippines. It is named after its habit of living in the cloud forests of the country.

Birds– There are many different species of birds found in the area surrounding Pongas Falls. Some of the most common species include the Philippine hawk-eagle, the flame-breasted fruit dove, and the blue-breasted quail.

Insects– There are also a number of different species of insects found in the area surrounding Pongas Falls. Some of the most common species include butterflies, beetles, and dragonflies.

Reptiles– There are also a number of different species of reptiles found in the area surrounding Pongas Falls. Some of the most common species include lizards, snakes, and frogs.

Flora and Fauna Surrounding the Falls2

Activities in the Pongas Falls Area

Pongas Falls offers more than just a stunning visual spectacle. The area surrounding the falls is a playground for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers, providing a range of activities to suit various interests.

Activities in the Pongas Falls Area
Activities in the Pongas Falls Area


Hiking Adventures

Pongas Falls is accessible through scenic hiking trails, offering opportunities for trekking and exploration. Hikers can meander through picturesque paths, absorbing the breathtaking mountain scenery while making their way to the falls. The journey itself becomes an adventure, rich in nature and culture.

Picnicking and Relaxation

The serene ambiance around Pongas Falls provides an ideal setting for picnics and relaxation. Visitors can unwind amidst the soothing sounds of cascading water, enjoying a meal with family or friends while immersed in the pristine beauty of the location.


For wildlife enthusiasts, Pongas Falls offers a unique opportunity to observe the diverse avian and terrestrial life in the area. Birdwatching and wildlife photography are popular activities, allowing nature lovers to capture the beauty of the region’s fauna.


With its natural charm, Pongas Falls is a paradise for photographers. The stunning waterfalls, rich flora, and colorful birdlife provide ample subjects to capture the essence of the surroundings. It’s an excellent place for both amateur and professional photographers.

Swimming and Water Play

The gentle cascade of the falls creates a soothing ambiance, making it an ideal spot for a leisurely swim or simply to wade in the refreshing pool. Whether you’re seeking a tranquil soak or an exciting splash, the clean and clear waters of Pongas Falls offer a perfect setting for water enthusiasts to unwind and embrace the natural beauty of this hidden gem.

Activities in the Pongas Falls Area

Visiting Pongas Falls: Tips and Guidelines

Pongas Falls offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature and revel in its splendor. To ensure a memorable and responsible visit, here are some essential tips and guidelines to keep in mind:

Leave No Trace: Carry out everything you bring with you. Dispose of waste responsibly and help preserve the pristine environment.

Follow the Trails: Stick to established trails and avoid trampling on fragile vegetation. Stay on designated paths to protect the flora and fauna.

Safety First: Prioritize safety during your visit. Be cautious around the falls, especially if you decide to swim, and follow safety guidelines.

Pack Essentials: Prepare for your trip with essentials such as water, snacks, first aid supplies, and appropriate clothing and footwear.

Stay Informed: Research the weather conditions, trail difficulty, and local regulations before your visit to be well-prepared.

Visiting Pongas Falls: Tips and Guidelines

In conclusion

Pongas Falls is not just a stunning natural wonder, but also a testament to the incredible processes that have shaped the Earth over millions of years. Its geological formation and rich biodiversity make it a must-see destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. With proper planning and responsible behavior, visitors can fully appreciate the beauty of Pongas Falls while also preserving its pristine environment for future generations to enjoy.